- The Parliament: On payment of wages at the Labor Protection Council (3)
Payment of employee benefits (including remuneration for work) in 2018-2020 and during the COVID-19 pandemic from March 2020 was the leading topic of the Council's meeting on 23 February 2021 Labor Protection.
- In news not only from home (4)
- A sacred right to pay. Consequences of violation of the provisions on remuneration for work (6)
The National Labor Inspectorate's bodies are involved in "administering justice" to an employer who breaks the provisions on the correct and timely payment of remuneration for work.
- Suspended. Preventive medical examinations during the COVID-19 threat (11)
Recognizing the need to use restrictions in preventive medical examinations as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19, it seems that due to the prolonged state of the epidemic, the withdrawal of from the restrictions introduced in this regard.
- Under the sign of a pandemic. Labor inspection lawyers answered questions from the readers of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna (part 2) (16)
The cases reported during the telephone call at the editorial office concerned mainly the application of labor law in situations related to the COVID-19 epidemic.
- What are the most important OHS obligations in the current epidemic situation that the employer should implement?
- How to organize training for employees during a pandemic, for example in the field of health and safety?
- Do employees have to undergo periodic or initial medical examinations?
- What do labor inspectors pay attention to in the first place when it comes to the proper adaptation of the employer to the epidemiological situation?
- No/Safe Operation of Industrial Trucks (18)
- Not only mobbing. When work becomes a source of anxiety (20)
Proper employment conditions affect the mental state of an employee, which is important for their effectiveness, identification with the company and its staff.
- Between regulations and practice. Controls of compliance with the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation when using industrial trucks (24)
Experience with health and safety inspections in the operation of industrial trucks in recent years raises a number of doubts as to the method of control and interpretation of regulations.
- Back to the sources. Duties of a labor inspector in interwar Poland (30)
In the interwar period, was the scope of work of our colleagues much smaller than the modern, very extensive catalog of duties of individual labor inspection bodies? Or was it completely different?
- A death trap. The makeshift protection of the ventilation shaft did not meet the conditions set out in the biosecurity plan (34)
An accident at work is often the result of a series of seemingly trivial irregularities and negligence, which in turn may lead to tragic consequences. An example may be an event that took place at the construction site of an office and service building in the final stage of its implementation.
Inspektor Pracy (Labor Inspector) magazine - the whole list