- News
- The remuneration for over-quit benefits in the emergency state
- Extraordinary mitigation of the penalty for the crime
- Crime not feeding
- Information on contracts concluded by the Supreme Court as public information
- Limited joint-stock partnership as a capital company for the purposes of calculating tax on civil law transactions at the increase of the share capital
- The date of filing a complaint against the decision via the ePUAP platform
- European Small Claims Procedure
- Law applicable to non-contractual obligations
- Reprivatization of an air transport company
- Articles
- Amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure in the scope of enforcement proceedings made in the period from the beginning of the 8th term of the Sejm until the end of 2018.
- Pursuing claims resulting from the establishment of areas of limited use around airports after the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 07/03/2018
- Linking a civil court with a criminal judgment (preliminary ruling) in court practice
- Cryptocurrencies and the regulations of inheritance law. Considerations de lege lata
Liability of the insurer covering damage incurred "in connection with the holding of a holding"
Monitor Prawniczy (Law Monitor) - full list