• Energy processing and storage system on the example of special transport equipment in the Regis shaft in the “Wieliczka” Salt Mine S.A.
    The article presents the planned modernization of special transport equipment in the Regis shaft in the scope of building the electricity processing and storage system.
  • Good practices of the mining plant implemented for sustainable development
    The article describes the experiences and activities implemented in the mining plant Cementownia Małogoszcz - Lafarge Cement S.A. as part of the sustainable development strategy, with particular emphasis on its very extensive pillar "Good Workplace and Communities". The most important aspects of the mine's operations were presented, ranging from modern technologies in the field of mining, loading and transport of rock, through innovative solutions in the field of work safety and environmental protection (telephone applications or dedicated internet platforms), and ending with building trust among the local community.
  • Remote control of the system of hydraulic hoists of suspended diesel railways
    The article presents the activities undertaken in the mining plant, aimed at improving the efficiency and safety of underground transport in the field of operated overhead railways. As a result of these activities, JSW S.A. KWK "Borynia-Zofiówka-Bzie" Ruch Borynia introduced solutions enabling remote (wireless) control of hoists by the operator, who stays at a safe distance during the loading and unloading of materials.
  • Mining fiber optic temperature measurement system (Message)
    The article presents the reasons and experiences from the use of a mining fiber-optic temperature measurement system at PGG S.A. sec. KWK "Mysłowice-Wesoła".
  • Quarries remind you of the time of the dinosaurs
  • 120 years of the “Brzeszcze” mine. The first decades – troubles and successes

 Bezpieczeństwo Pracy i Ochrona Środowiska w Górnictwie (Work Safety and Environmental Protection in Mining) - the whole list