• Changes in the employment rate of people aged 55+ in the European Union countries in 2004-2017 (1-7)
    Demographic change is one of the megatrends that affects many areas of socio-economic life in Europe, including the labor market. While in every EU member state the share of people aged 55+ increases, the rate of professional activity and employment decreases with age. One of the features that affect the employment level of this age group alongside gender is the level of education. Taking into account the above premises, the aim of the article is to present spatial diversity of the employment level of people aged 55-64 in EU member states in 2004-2017 and their employment projection in the perspective of 2070. The analysis covers the years 2004-2017, and its main source is data obtained from the study of the eco-natural activity of the population, conducted by Eurostat.
  • Architecture in the service of deinstitutionalisation. Conditions for creating a model of assisted housing for seniors with neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's (8-12)
    The aim of the article is to describe selected determinants of creating a standard of assisted housing for seniors and people with neurological diseases. The subject of attention is the adaptation of guidelines in the area of creating spatial solutions to the needs of future users, which is analyzed on the basis of the conclusions of the project "Development of a standard standard/deinstitutionalization solution", part of the project "Independent living - working out a standard and conducting a pilot project in assisted housing for people with neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, and the elderly. The results of the conducted research are an element of the currently conducted discussion on the development of new forms of housing, being created in Poland with a view to supporting the independence of people at risk of social exclusion.
  • Public works an effective form of activating long-term unemployed (13-19)
    The purpose of the article is to collect in a synthetic form information on the implementation of public works in Poland by poviat labor offices and to examine the effectiveness of this instrument in the activation of the unemployed. The scope of the analysis was narrowed to the years 2015-2017, however, due to the good economic situation, the participation of long-term unemployed in them was particularly taken into account.
  • Involvement of trade unions in Poland in perioperational rights - the perspective of trade unionists (20-24)
    Trade unions have been experiencing a crisis of fewer members and members for several decades. In the literature on the subject, topics related to the so-called revitalization, or increasing unionisation, especially in the private sector and among young workers. It is also becoming more and more difficult due to the changing labor market and the increasing precarious employment. One of the revitalization activities undertaken by trade unions is to open up to new groups and social issues. The purpose of the text is to show how trade unionists perceive the role of their organizations in the field of engaging in issues that lie on the borderline of labor rights and human rights. The article contains an analysis of quantitative surveys conducted by means of a survey among trade union members in Poland. The results of quantitative research prove a strong differentiation between individual trade unions in this respect. While there is a consent to engage in the fight against discrimination of employees due to their age or origin, the trade unionists are divided in the case of actions for the reproductive rights of women or the protection of LGBT persons.
  • The specificity of conflict situations in individual labor law (25-32)
    The aim of the article is interdisciplinary analysis of characteristics characteristic of conflict situations that may occur in relations between an employee and an employer. The dogmatic and legal method used by the authors is aimed at presenting the function of individual labor law, with particular emphasis on the arbitration function, as well as presenting ways of resolving disputes through labor law in the light of the currently binding provisions. Sociological analysis, using in particular elements of the theory of interpersonal conflicts, will serve as a basis for discussing examples of different types of situations that can create a background of litigation between the employee and the employer. The motif that inspired the authors to take up this topic is the reflection on the special nature of the social bond between the employer and the employee.
  • Trade union in a media corporation. Case study (32-37)
    The work describes the process of forming a trade union in a media corporation on the basis of the model of the formation of trade unions in the private sector in Poland by Piotr Ostrowski. The author analyzes the reasons for the relationship, taking into account the market situation, management attitudes and internal segmentation of the staff, as well as the cultural and social capital of employees. Establishing a relationship is connected with the employer's reaction consisting in obstructing the activity and then starting cooperation. The relationship is presented as an attempt to a limited extent of a successful change in the conditions of asymmetric exchange between employees and the employer.

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