- News
- Compensation for recovery costs
- Change in the legal status and issuance of a resolution
- Address of the party to the administrative court proceedings
- Administrative law time limits suspended in connection with the pandemic
- The authority's errors do not burden the payer
- Deregistering the vehicle
- Document in a language incomprehensible to the punished person
- The authority's errors do not burden the payer
- Deregistering the vehicle
- Document in a language incomprehensible to the punished person
- Obligation to have an identity card
- Another asylum application
- Articles
- Dismissal of a court bailiff from his position as a result of a financial shortage. Postulates for practice
- Reservation in the content of the procedural power of attorney for the expiry of the basic relationship and the judicature of the Supreme Court
- Consequences of submitting a response to an appeal in civil proceedings with failure to meet the deadline
- The problem of "evading" from redressing the damage or harm caused by the perpetrator of the crime
- Unauthorized copy of a document as evidence in general administrative proceedings
- Responsibilities of persons acting on behalf of the capital company in the organization
- The problem of applying the provisions of the GDPR with regard to the records of soldiers and civil servants
Monitor Prawniczy (Law Monitor) - the whole list