• Occupational medicine clinic
    • An employee referred for preventive examination ahead of schedule - a potential problem for an occupational medicine doctor (1)
      If the employee reports the need to undergo preventive examination at an earlier date (before the date specified in the decision as the date of the next examination), the employer is obliged to send him for additional periodic preventive examination. Can such an examination be carried out at the employer's request against the employee's will, for example in the event of observing changes in health that may affect work safety?
    • Preventive care concerning women's work in the practice of an occupational medicine doctor (4)
      Due to their physical conditions and their maternal role, women should be subject to special protection in relation to their work. This is based on the applicable legal regulations. What should an occupational medicine physician know about it?
  • Legal Comments
    • Immediate threat to health and life - the role of a doctor providing preventive health care for employees (7)
      A direct threat to health and life in the case of employees is just a step away from an accident, which can ultimately be classified as an accident at work. The role of employers is to limit any hazards present in the work environment and eliminate direct hazards. In this regard, the more or less direct role of doctors providing preventive health care to employees, operating within the occupational medicine service, cannot be omitted.
    • Digitization of medical records - can some documents be left in paper form (11)
      The regulations stipulate that medical records should be kept in electronic form and a document kept in one form may not be kept simultaneously in the other form. Is it possible to leave some documents in paper form after digitizing medical records (e.g. complex cards and forms)?
    • ChatGPT - can it be a support in the work of an occupational medicine doctor (13)
      AI systems can facilitate the work of doctors, improve their quality and shorten the duration of treatment, and contribute to the reduction of some costs. It is also possible to improve the process of diagnosing patients. Check how you can use chatGPT in occupational medicine.
  • Forms
    • Instructions on how to complete referrals for spa treatment for persons employed in the production of asbestos-containing products (14)
  • Calendar of changes
    • Latest legal changes (16)

 Lekarz Medycyny Pracy (Doctor of Occupational Medicine) - the whole list