- An appeal to farmers (3)
A request to farmers to maintain exceptional care for health and safety while performing daily tasks.
- In the Parliament of the Republic of Poland - Pandemic and the working environment (4)
The meeting of the Labor Protection Council on April 28, 2020 was on the World Day of Safety and Health at Work. Traditionally, as every year, it was to take place in the Column Hall of the Parliament. The coronavirus pandemic forced a different course of the meeting - it took place remotely, via ICT links.
- News not only from country (5)
- Safe return to work. Recommendations of the National Labor Inspectorate (6)
Due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic that causes COVID-19 disease, restrictions have been implemented in our country to prevent the spread of the disease. Some of these restrictions apply to jobs. Regardless of whether the threat takes a chronic form, or whether it will be possible to quickly eliminate the pathogen from public space, the time is approaching the return to normal functioning of the economy and workplaces.
- When the recipe runs out. Role of custom in the labor inspector's control procedure (8)
Sometimes you may encounter a situation in which there is no explicit legal norm contained in an act, regulation, collective agreement or regulations. Then comes the custom even recognized by the Supreme Court as a possible source of rights and obligations of parties to labor relations.
- Force of age. Legal regulations for the employment of seniors (12)
The Labor Code does not indicate the term "senior" or "elderly person" in any of the provisions, however, some provisions apply to persons who are protected due to reaching a certain age or their employment ceases due to retirement. Also in special provisions we have a reference to persons who are subject to certain rights or obligations when they reach a certain age.
- Ten thousand winners. VII edition of the "Know your rights at work" competition (17)
This year, the final stage of the competition was not held for the first time in history. What does not know - that no one has won. All participants were the winners, and their prize was invaluable knowledge of occupational health and safety and labor law in adulthood.
- Know your rights at work - photojournalism (18)
- Prestige of the profession of a labor inspector. Interview with Jerzy Łaboński, District Labor Inspector in Zielona Góra (20)
- (Almost) like a pandemic. Biological hazards in agricultural work (23)
The need to wear masks, frequent and thorough hand washing ... how do we know this? This is how we fight coronavirus, but these are also recommendations for farmers. Although in the countryside more and more processes are electronically controlled, and machines are equipped with increasingly better covers and protections, because of the working environment, farmers face daily threats that resemble a pandemic. Fortunately, we deal with them much more effectively than with COVID-19.
- Asbestos man. Memories of Ryszard Wrzesień (28)
- Price of Progress. Accident hazards in heating plants (30)
This article is a summary of experiences and insights from audits carried out in recent years. Its purpose is to highlight the most common hazards in the sphere of safety during the operation of equipment for the production of heat energy in heat power plants to meet the needs of the population.
- Accident. Up to three times art (34)
When an untrained employee, for whom it is the first day at work, operates the machine without an instruction manual and without security, there can be only one result.
Inspektor Pracy (Labor Inspector) magazine - full list