- Water erosion risk assessment in the vicinity of Przemyśl
As a result of water erosion, nutrients for plants are leached from the soil by surface runoff. Spatial analysis is now used in research, especially in those of high priority for environmental protection. Therefore, the aim of this study is to show the spatial distribution of parameters, the changes of which in the soil strongly affect the usefulness of agricultural areas in the context of the use of the catchment area. The generated intermediate layers allowed the visualization of both potential and actual soil erosion. It is important to correctly diagnose soil properties and assess the topography, which is associated with the severity of environmental degradation. The study of the physiographic parameters of the catchment area will contribute to the development of proper use, which will be essential for forest resources and agricultural land exposed to water erosion. - Analysis and assessment of air quality in Miechów in 2018–2020
The progress of civilization in recent decades, and with it the development of industry and progressive urbanization, have had a significant impact on the natural environment, causing its excessive contamination. The global threats to the environment undoubtedly include dust pollution of the atmosphere, which, due to their transboundary range, leads to contamination of large areas and poses a threat to the health of the population exposed to them [1-3]. The aim of the study is to assess air pollution with PM10 and PM2.5 suspended dust in a typically agricultural area, without industrial facilities, based on gravimetric measurements carried out in Miechów in 2018-2020. - Construction and operation of third generation photovoltaic cells
The first and second generation of PV cells is based on mono and polycrystalline silicon. Their structure and principle of operation have been discussed in previous articles. In the next two, we will discuss the structure and principle of operation of thin-film cells. Thin-film cells (3rd generation), thanks to small light-absorbing layers and due to the fact that they have efficient semiconductors built into their cells, are thinner and much lighter than their traditional counterparts, which of course speaks for their use, as well as the fact that they look more aesthetically pleasing and can take almost any shape. - VI Green Smart City Forum
Two days of discussions about smart cities, villages, environmental protection and the European Green Deal - this is the result of the VI Green Smart City Forum, which took place at the Agricultural University of Hugo Kołłątaj in Krakow on October 28-29 this year. The 6th Forum was held in the hybrid formula. The participants included local government officials, entrepreneurs, representatives of universities and agencies working for environmental protection, as well as residents of not only Małopolska, but also Poland and abroad. - Environmental and health protection and social assistance in Poland in the light of statistical data
The aim of the article is to assess the impact of environmental pollution on health as well as the principles and methods of functioning of the health service based on the analysis of the size and structure of employment as well as the number and types of medical advice provided, divided into outpatient and inpatient healthcare. Then, the research focuses on the statistics of infectious diseases, poisoning and other diseases, such as malignant neoplasms and mental disorders. The third part focuses on the forms of care for children up to 3 years of age and their families, as well as the functioning of social welfare institutions and their inhabitants, together with the valuation of social benefits. In all analyzes, attempts were made to indicate trends in the development of the studied social phenomena. - Energy
Energy is crucial to the economy. Nevertheless, in the 20th century it was possible to separate the increase in its consumption from the economic growth. In terms of GDP per unit, it is currently consumed by half as much as in 1900. However, demographic processes meant that, in terms of GDP per capita, no analogous separation took place. Only after 2000, the increase in the average wealth in the world ceased to require an increase in energy consumption. In Poland, it was possible to separate energy consumption from economic growth, but mainly due to the elimination of the neglect of the previous system. - Conference on the problems of animal production intensification
On September 15, 2021, the XXVII International Scientific Conference was held at the Institute of Technology and Life Sciences in Falenty. "Problems of animal production intensification with regard to environmental protection, EU standards and production of alternative energy, including biogas". - Bad river
A certain Carl Welt, when asked by his friends where he had bought his new hotel, replied proudly - at Rawa. It happened in the mid-nineteenth century, when Katowice was still a small, unknown village - without a church, town hall and train station. There were only a few manufactories and a couple of inns in the vicinity. Social life, however, flourished. In the carnival of 1850, Johan Strauss the younger came here with his band and the world-famous Viennese waltzes. It was a phenomenon as amazing as the local river - "charming and clean like a mountain stream". Some people suspect that it was the inspiration for composing the famous waltz "On the beautiful blue Danube". Today there is no trace of the Welta Hotel and the noisy banquets. - Planetary boundaries and a sustainable future for humanity
In 2009, a group of scientists presented the concept of planetary boundaries that allow us to designate a safe space for our activities as a prerequisite for sustainable development. The authors have defined nine such "Earth's endurance limits" that define the framework within which we can safely manage Earth's resources. Four of the nine planetary boundaries have been crossed. The 'high-risk zone' includes biodiversity and the rate of its extinction, and the nitrogen and phosphorus cycle. The next two, climate change and deforestation, are located in the "uncertainty zone". There are three processes in the "safe zone": ocean acidification, freshwater resources and the ozone layer. For two processes (air pollution and new substances in the environment), no safety threshold could be established.
AURA Ochrona Środowiska (AURA Environmental Protection) - the whole list