• Sentencing for an environmental crime
    Question: Can an entrepreneur who is a natural person convicted in the past for the crime of hunting poaching effectively apply for permission to collect or process waste? Entrepreneur from Sosnowiec Answer: The Act of 14 December 2012 on waste (consolidated text Journal of Laws of 2019, item 701 as amended) includes the collection and processing of waste as particularly important operations to ensure proper waste management, and thus protection human life and health and the environment against hazards and nuisances caused by waste. Due to the importance of these operations, the legislator requires that waste collectors or processors obtain permission from their competent environmental protection authority and that they be a trustworthy person, and in any event that they should not be punished in the past for certain offenses related to waste management.
  • Words, words ...
    There was a dispute. For words, for language. I don't remember where - on the radio or on TV anymore. The editor said: in order to understand what is being said and written to me, I have to understand the sentences, their content, their meaning. But to understand sentences - the professor retorted, one must first know and understand words, correctly define them with things, impressions, feelings. Without this, there is no proper communication and agreement. In everyday speech, and in writing, we are often imprecise, not to say sloppy. It happens - we speak without order and composition. And I have many witnesses to this. Unfortunately, the beauty of language ceased to be a virtue. Few care today about the clarity of speech, the clarity of the message. Polish lovers are overwhelmed. My neighbor also hurts - teacher-social worker.
  • IPCC report on the impact of climate change on oceans and glaciers
    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has published the latest report on the impact of climate change on oceans, glaciers and the ice sheet. Over one hundred scientists from 36 countries around the world worked on the report, and nearly 7,000 scientific papers were used to thoroughly analyze the state of the oceans and the cryosphere. - This document is unique because, for the first time in history, the IPCC has developed a detailed report exploring the farthest corners of the Earth - from the highest mountains in distant polar regions to the deepest oceans.
  • Ecological chronicle
    PIOTR WOŹNY the president of the board of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. On August 30, Minister Henryk Kowalczyk handed Piotr Woźny a nomination as President of the Management Board of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. Piotr Woźny won the competition for the head of this institution.
  • Technology curiosities from around the world
    Plant wastewater treatment Researchers at Rutgers University, in collaboration with researchers from China, have discovered how aquatic plants cope with pollution. Research will increase the efficiency of wastewater treatment systems, as well as improve the production of biofuels and antibiotics. A new DNA sequestration method was used during the work. The genome of spirodela polyrhiza was used to study the genome, i.e. a multi-rooted spirodela from the picture family. These are aquatic plants widespread in the world. Their immune system adapts in a polluted environment differently from terrestrial plants. Scientists have been able to identify genes that protect the plant against many dangerous microbes or pests - including fungi and bacteria. Research can lead to the use of spirodels in bioreactors that purify wastewater.
  • V Forum Green Smart City
    The concern for improving the quality of life of people living on our planet is expressed in different languages in many ways. It is also manifested in the development and implementation of the Smart City and Smart Villa-ge concept. Both ideas strongly focus on environmental issues, e.g. optimization and resource efficiency, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants, as well as social issues.

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