• Editorial (3)
  • News
    • How standards can promote sustainable transport (4)
      The transport sector is primarily dependent on fossil fuels and has had limited success over the past 50 years in reducing its dependence on oil. As a result, it is responsible for 25% of global carbon dioxide emissions. As demand for transport is high, global targets to reduce carbon emissions will need to focus on this sector.
    • Eco driving (8)
      Geopolitics has a huge impact on the entire economy. The unstable situation on the crude oil market caused a large increase in prices, which are increasingly affecting consumers' wallets. Economic considerations have just contributed to the idea of ​​eco-driving, the main goal of which is energy-efficient travel.
  • From standardization work
    • Road transport of the future (10)
    • Climate change and animal husbandry (16)
      Recent years have clearly shown the progressing degradation of the natural environment, which is mainly influenced by human activity, primarily destructive activity aimed at increasing profits, regardless of the price we all pay.
    • Volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in paints and varnishes (18)
    • Vitamin D (20)
      Vitamin D is especially important when the days are getting shorter and there is not enough sun. It is exposure to sunlight that allows the production of this vitamin in the skin thanks to ultraviolet UVB radiation. The remaining part is supplied to the body with food - its source is primarily sea fish, as well as milk and milk products.
  • Technical Organs - October (22)

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