• Prepared on the basis of scientific and research work carried out by the Central Institute for Labor Protection - National Research Institute and Institute of Occupational Medicine in 2015-2016 - Prevention of contact diseases and hand injuries during the production and use of precast concrete (1)
    The production of concrete and concrete chemistry has been developing dynamically in recent years and is increasingly used in many building departments. The technology of producing concrete products is changing, the coefficient of robotization and automation of the heaviest works in the sphere of construction is increasing. It significantly increases the safety of people working there. Still, employees who have direct contact with concrete and chemicals necessary for the production of prefabricates are at risk of skin diseases. Sometimes, though less often, hand injuries occur during the production and use of precast concrete products. These phenomena can and must be prevented as much as possible.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) - a new disease of civilization? Methods of therapeutic management in OSA (20)
    For several years, there has been a steady increase in the interest of medical circles and patients in the problems of breathing disorders during sleep, among which the most common is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). According to T. Young, M. Palta, J. Dempsey and their colleagues, the disease may affect 2% of women and 4% of middle-aged men. Based on epidemiological studies, the occurrence of obstructive sleep apnea in Poland is estimated at 9% in men and 2.5% in women aged 40-70.
  • Who should be suspected of having a professional skin disease (27)
    In Poland, as well as in many European countries, skin occupational diseases occupy a significant place among all registered diseases caused by the work environment. The consequences directly affect the employees themselves, as well as have specific socio-economic effects.
  • Events, reviews - 2017