• Articles
    • Surveillance, accessibility, blockchain and artificial intelligence: questions about the directions of development of the law of new technologies in the era of the Internet revolution
    • The future of the law of tort
    • Let's hurry to love the companies because they are leaving so quickly - a few reflections on the regulation of the company's future
    • e-Court of the future
    • Publicity - secrecy. Where the relationship between the citizen and the authorities is going
    • Polish criminal law in the next decade
    • In search of greater effectiveness - the most important challenges for the law of competition in the era of globalization and the development of new technologies
    • Is there a commercial arbitration crisis in Poland?
    • Inheritance law (in) future. Prospects for the development of inheritance law
    • If not Rembrandt, then what? Prospects for the development of copyright in the next dozen or so years
    • Legal regulations of the second decade of the 21st century - where are we heading? Will we be replaced by law engineering?

Monitor Prawniczy (Law Monitor) - full list