• News from the country (2)
  • Occupational safety - a common cause (3)
    On November 22-23, 2022, the 25th Conference of the Safe Work Leaders Forum was held in Białystok, entitled "Occupational safety - a common cause". The event organized by the Central Institute for Labor Protection - National Research Institute was accompanied by a ceremonial presentation of cards to the Leaders of Safe Work.
  • Awards were presented in the National Competition for the Improvement of Working Conditions (4)
  • Winners of the 6th photo and film competition O!signs of work (6)
  • Development of the personal protective equipment market - theory or reality (8)
    The awareness of society related to proper working conditions has been systematically growing in recent years, which is helped by new technologies and ways of transmitting information, but also by the continuing fashion for a healthy style and lifestyle. However, when it is not possible to eliminate hazards in the working environment, the need for personal protective equipment increases.
  • Activizator+ application supporting people with disabilities in the process of looking for and taking up a job (11)
    Online support for people with disabilities, diseases or logistical problems can have different purposes. In addition to the main one, which is the improvement of well-being and the ability to cope with difficult situations, it also has educational, social and informational aspects. The basic advantages of online social support are: accessibility, indirectness, anonymity and diversity in terms of forms of interaction.
  • Evaluation of OSH management processes in Polish enterprises (14)
    The publication of the new ISO 45001 standard on occupational health and safety management systems drew the attention of enterprises to the OSH management processes implemented by them and to the problem of assessing their functioning. The article presents the results of the evaluation of nine selected occupational health and safety management processes, which was carried out in 35 enterprises declaring activities to adapt the occupational health and safety management system to the requirements of the quoted standard.
  • Audio material supporting the preparation of visually impaired people to go to an unfamiliar environment (18)
    In Poland, the number of people with visual impairments (damages and diseases of the sight organ), including people with legal disabilities and declaring limitations in performing normal activities, constitutes as much as 1/3 of the total population. It is well known that hearing plays an important role in the functioning of people with visual disabilities. At the same time, these people are often afraid to leave their familiar surroundings, e.g. their own homes. An important support for people with visual disabilities would be the opportunity to familiarize themselves with such sounds that they may encounter in the external environment. In the course of research at the Central Institute for Labor Protection - National Research Institute, a set of sounds was collected that can be used by people with visual disabilities to get acquainted with the environment to which they can potentially go. These solutions allowed to obtain a spatial impression related to the correct direction of sound arrival. The audio material covers a number of situations in which a visually impaired person may find themselves, and includes sounds recorded not only at home, but also, for example, near intersections or in office buildings. The necessary data conversions have been made to obtain files in a format that can be played on headphones connected to a computer. The obtained data is intended for use in software used to familiarize people with visual disabilities with situations that are potentially new to them.
  • Technical modifications to the production line at the F&F confectionery factory (Hungary) (23)
    The F&F company is a family business where great importance is attached to ensuring appropriate working conditions and a positive atmosphere among employees.
  • 103rd meeting of the inter-ministerial Committee for Supreme Affairs Permissible Concentrations and Intensities of Factors Harmful to Workplace Health (24)
    The Labor Protection Council at the Sejm of the Republic of Poland deliberated
  • Action program of the National Labor Inspectorate for 2023 (29)
    At the last meeting, which took place on December 20, 2022, members of the Labor Protection Council (ROP) learned the details of the National Labor Inspectorate's (PIP) action plan for 2023 and adopted the ROP work plan.
  • Changes in regulations (30)
    Simplification of procedures - amendments to the Act of 5 August 2015 on work at sea
    List of products used to ensure public safety or to protect health, life and property - amendment of the regulation
    Basic conditions for running a pharmacy - a new regulation
  • We answer readers' questions (31)
    When will the pension application be considered?
    What are the obligations of the employer regarding the procedure for retirement and disability benefits?
  • Reports from abroad (32)

Bezpieczeństwo Pracy (Work Safety) - the whole list