•  Editorial
    • Lucky Thirteen (3)
  • Conferences
    • "Safety first" conference at the SAWO fair (2)
    • We invite you to the 13th ATEST conference in June in Krakow (30)
    • Good hearing throughout life (39)
  • People and events
    • On the trail of prehistoric sources of work culture - the Bronze Age (4)
    • Memoirs of a labor inspector from 1991-2011 (part 12) (9)
    • 1st National Championship of Health and Safety Service (41)
  • Letters to the editor
    • The virus in risk assessment (8)
  • Regulations and standards
    • Conditions for maintaining the right to remuneration for overtime work by employees belonging to the management of the workplace (11)
      Employees belonging to the management of the workplace remain entitled to remuneration and the overtime allowance, if they can show that they have worked continuously outside normal working hours. and systematically in oversize time. This means that their ad hoc oversized work, not compensated by their spare time, is in fact free of charge.
    • Health-related unavailability of an employee as a reason for dismissal (13)
      It is impossible to blame anyone for being ill for a long or frequent period. However, repeated or long-term absences are not good for the employer. In special cases, they may lead to the termination of the employment contract. In a similar way, an employee may end up submitting a decision on contraindications to work in the position he holds. The article describes cases in which the current health condition of an employee or absences from work due to his health, and sometimes also his family members, lead to termination of the employment relationship.
    • Closed mixers (44)
  • Accidents and breakdowns
    • Accident when repairing a conveyor belt (18)
    • Working on a ladder - safe everyday life or particularly dangerous work? (22)
      In order to theoretically answer the question posed in the title, one should refer to the health and safety regulations regulating the issue in question, while a more practical approach would involve the need to confront the theory with reality. While there are no major problems with the analysis of the applicable legal status, finding a source of information on accidents at work that occurred in connection with activities carried out with the use of this simple and available equipment is much more difficult.
  • From the editorial office
    • Coriolis Illusion (21)
  • Health
    • Let us invest in our hearing (32)
      Hearing loss is often described as an 'invisible disability', not only because of the visible symptoms, but also because it is often ignored by policymakers, but also by people exposed to excessive noise and even by people with hearing loss. It seems that the main reason for this is the lack of education in this field, as well as a lack of understanding of the nature and effects of hearing impairment. Hearing loss, for whatever reason, affects people of all ages, but also their families and the economy.
  • Education
    • Intelligent PPE: Intelligent Protection for the Future (5) (Lesson 146) (42)
      This article discusses the emergence of intelligent PPE in the workplace. They combine traditional security measures with improved materials or electronic components and can collect data about the user, the working environment or their own application. While these new technologies promise greater safety and comfort for workers, there are still many obstacles to be overcome in order to be effective. With this in mind, the challenges faced by stakeholders were analyzed, such as the need to establish standards and an appropriate testing and certification framework. The study provides recommendations to help you make the best use of the potential benefits of intelligent personal protective equipment, highlighting the importance of collaboration between users and manufacturers in this field.
  • Permanent columns

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