• What's New?
    • Adapting new rules for safety and hygiene at work at school from September 2018 to March 2019 (1)
      In July 2018, the Ministry of National Education submitted a proposal for a new regulation on health and safety in public and non-public schools and facilities. Interestingly, the regulation is to enter into force as soon as September this year, only the transitional provision is to allow schools to adapt to the requirements of the new regulation by March 1, 2019.
    • Will the regulations on preventive medical care for employees be tightened? (3)
      The Ministry of Health intends to take a closer look at the provisions regulating the issues of preventive medical care over laboratories. All this was done by the interpellation of MP Mirosława Nykiel, who, directing inquiries to the Ministry of Health, drew attention to the same issues as the Supreme Audit Office and the National Labor Inspectorate in her audit reports. It includes o no possibility of getting acquainted with the control bodies with a copy of the referral for an examination issued by the employer.
    • From 1 September 2018 change of regulations regarding juvenile workers (4)
      From September this year, the age limit of a young worker has been reduced. Persons who are over 15 years of age will be allowed to work.
  • Working conditions
    • What personal protective equipment to use when working with construction scaffoldings? (5)
      The purpose of using personal protective equipment when working with construction scaffolds is to protect employees against hazards and exposure occurring in this type of work.
    • Contractor may be charged with health and safety at work, but only on the basis of a bilateral contract (11)
      Many employers hire employees under contract. In such cases, a question arises as to which occupational health and safety obligations listed in art. 211 of the Labor Code - an employer-principal may charge natural persons who perform work on a basis other than the employment relationship? Can the client expect from the contractor to carry out preliminary medical examinations or OSH trainings or to purchase personal protective equipment on their own?
    • Written order to carry out work using the truck (16)
      From August 10, 2018, it is the responsibility of the organizer of works performed with the use of a forklift truck.
  • Accidents at work
    • How to delegate responsibilities in determining the circumstances and reasons for an employee's accident in another company's premises? (7)
      An accident at work involving an employee who is not formally employed by the employer where the incident occurred, causes post-accident proceedings to be a process requiring proper cooperation of employers. The rule is that post-accident proceedings are then carried out by a team appointed by the victim's employer. However, at the request of the employer, it is possible to take over the duties related to determining the circumstances and causes of the incident by the employer in the place of the accident.
  • Number subject
    • Check what safety and health at work documents should be prepared at school? (8-11)
      It is a good idea to make company health and safety documentation using the example list.
    • Can the employer independently assess occupational exposure? (12)
      The employee's occupational exposure to the diagnosis of occupational disease can not be made by the employer in any case, and the authority conducting the procedure for determining the occupational disease must not commission the employer to develop such an assessment in any form.
  • Judicial jurisprudence
    • Non-maintenance of the plumbing violates the employer's obligations regarding health and safety (14)
      The employer is liable for damage suffered by an employee as a result of an accident when he / she can be considered to be responsible for, for example, health and safety at work.

Aktualności BHP (OSH News) - full list