• Hazardous substances - Health and Safety
    • What hazards causes the use of acids and bases in work processes (1)
      The hazardous chemicals commonly used in many work processes include acids and bases. They carry serious threats to the health and life of people in contact with them or serving the production, renovation or service processes in which such substances are used.
    • Do you want to repeat the tests when chemical measure measurements have fallen below the determination (2)
      No interpretation was found as to how often the measurements and studies of the working environment should be repeated if the measurements of the chemical agent performed were below the determination. When do you repeat these tests in a given position? After a year? And if they go below the quantification again, do they stop doing it?
    • Electroradiologist technician - choice of risk assessment method (3)
      When working out the occupational risk assessment, we often wonder whether it should be a risk assessment related to the job position (eg X-ray, ECG, EEG, CT, MRI, etc.) or with an electroradiologist technician who can work on a given day in the audiometry office (without radiation), but when there are no audiometric tests, it is in the X-ray lab (with X-rays). How to assess occupational risk in such a case?